Tinychat API
This now grabs Tinychat API and displays the users/rooms details.
Play time is never over!
This now grabs Tinychat API and displays the users/rooms details.
For use with BuddyPress to add Tinychat video chat to Groups.
TinyChat full screen video chat for WordPress/BuddyPress.
This PHP contact form in HTML5 with Google maps.
These are 2 colour changers wrote in JavaScript.
This is a Matrix display wrote in C++.(The movie)
This checks if a user is using an ad blocker.
Collection of Userplane files for use with WordPress.
WannaCry|WannaDecrypt0r decompiled.
A contact form wrote in PHP/HTML/JS/CSS3.
HTML5 has brought some exciting new advantages to the web development universe.
The canvas feature allows you to render graphics that are powered by Javascript, so it'll work on almost every device.
What I've got below are a number of canvas effects that are sure to blow your mind.
Double click/tap to split/drag/merge the blob.
Double click to change colours/grab/swing/hold it.
This has various pen types and you can select any colour.
Hold on the screen/mouse and move around to create fire.
Drag around the screen to create your masterpiece.
This is the Matrix wrote in JavaScript, straight from the movie.
Move the point side to side to create raining plasma.
Move your pointer around the screen, This has pastel colours.
This is like the other snake only thicker!
Hold the screen and create numerous spinicles.
hold or drag or type to create ripples. Enjoy.
Type anything then press enter and watch it splash!
This will convert plain text to ASCII, Binary and Hex.
var rgba = function() {
return 'rgba(' +
Math.ceil(Math.random() * 255) + ',' +
Math.ceil(Math.random() * 255) + ',' +
Math.ceil(Math.random() * 255) + ',' +
(Math.random().toPrecision(1)) + ')';
setInterval(function() {
$( document ).ready(function(){
$( "#colourchanger" ).on( "click" , function(){
var color = '#'+Math.floor( Math.random()*16777215 ).toString( 16 );
$( "body" ).css( {"background-color" : color } );})});
function pad(s,i,c,r){ i=i+1-s.length;
if(i<1)return s;
c=new Array(i).join(c||" ");
return r?s+c:c+s;
$( document ).ready(function(){
$( "#colourchanger" ).on( "click" , function(){
var color = "#"+pad((Math.random()*0x1000000<<0).toString(16),6,"6")
$( "body" ).css( {"background-color" : color } );})});